Saturday, July 19, 2008

Granddaughter -Great Granddaughter Slumber party July 18, 2008

Katelyn watching the ducks!!

Katelyn & Lucy

Granddaughter Party!! We missed a lot of you, but had a wonderful time with the ones that were here..
Lucy, Amy, Rae Ann, Lisa, Ali, Madison, Shar, Katelyn & Alicia..

We missed the rest of you--- hope you can come next time.
Our dinner was Pepperoni Pizza and Alicia's delicious Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats... Grapes, chips, cookies & ice cream.

Amy planned the activity and we made these beautiful framed magnet boards. Rae Ann had a neat idea for magnets out of small tile with magnet tape on the back.

On Saturday AM, Garry fixed omelets for everyone. Ron, Nate & Scott came. Everyone loved it and we thank him for the 'Tradition' for our family.


So many blogs..too little time said...

how fun!!

{ a m b e r } said...

Looks like you had so much fun! I love magnet boards like that! I've made one and was going to try to start selling them online too. We missed out but, it looks like you may be seeing me in a little while....I'll keep you posted!

So many blogs..too little time said...