Friday, September 23, 2011

Willie Handcart - Martins Cove & Sep 23, 2011

We decided to visit Martin Cove & Willie Handcart sites while we already in Salt Lake September 20 2011.

The first picture is Rock Creek where the rescue took place.

13 people died here the night before the rescue and were buried in a common grave.

The next 3 are at Rock Creek, The grave marker has Samuel Gadd's name one it. He is Garry's Great Uncle.
Garry's Great Grandmother
was in the group.She was Sarah Gadd, 6 years old at the time..It was very interesting.
We saw Independence Rock, the Devils Gap [split rock] and then Martins Cove.
We only stayed at Martins Cove for a few minutes as Garry wanted to get to the Willie Center located at Sixth crossing of the Sweetwater River and it was 56 miles away. It closes at 3 PM but they called ahead and told them we were coming.

The 3 Art pictures in the museum included the same picture that was given to Garry at his birthday party in 2010. It is of Eliza Chapman Gadd and her son Samuel.

1 comment:

Andrew O. said...

Dear Brother and Sister Tolley,

I am trying to find some additional information about Sarah Gadd Tolley. Would you be able to help me? My email address is

Thank you,
Andrew Olsen